Miroslav Havel (07-11-1881 - 08-07-1958) Czech composer and Grandmaster
Miroslav Havel (Miroslav Košťál) composed Bohemian problems with a high degree of mastery and artistry. You can judge by yourself by the
selfmate reproduced on Wikipedia.
He edited the chess column of newspaper "Čas" (1920-1923) and was honoured by the publication of 500 of his problems in "
Bohemian Garnets" in the White Christmas Series.
He also wrote "
České granáty" (1943).
Havel, Miroslav
Časopis českých šachistů 1920
st Prize
Show Solution1.Qe8! (2.Qa4! Kxe2 3.Se1#)
1... Bc7 2.Qc6! Kxe2 3.Sf4#
1... Sd7 2.Qg6! Kxe2 3.Sh4#
Three battery mates.
Havel, Miroslav
Tidskrift för Schack, 5
th Jun 1914
st Prize
Show Solution1.Bd2-h6 ! (2.Bh6xg7 [3.Bg7-f8#] 2...e5xd4 3.e4-e5#)
1...e5xd4 2.e4-e5+ Kd6xe5 3.Bh6-f4#
1...g7xh6 2.Sd4-f5+ Kd6-c6, e6xf5 3.Qh1-c1, Qh1xh6#
1...Sa8-c7 2.Qh1-c1 (3.Qc1xc7/Qc1-c6#)
Surprising sacrifices open lines for the wQ.
Владимир Александрович Корольков (07-11-1907 - 01-05-1987) Russian composer and Grandmaster (Vladimir Aleksandrovich Korolkov)
Vladimir Korolkov composed studies, which made him famous, and direct mates.
Of course many of his studies are reproduced
on JMRW's website.
Корольков, Владимир Александрович
Pravda, 1929
st Prize
Show Solution1. Rd2+ Kc1
{1... Kxd2 ? 2. Qh6+ Kc2 3. Qxh3 +-}
2. Rd1+
{2. Rc2+ ? Kb1 3. Rc1+ Sxc1 4. Bf5+ Kxb2 5. Bxh3 Bf3+ 6. Bg2 f1=Q#}
2... Kxd1 3. Ba4+ b3 ! 4. Bxb3+ Ke1 5. Bb4+ Sc3! 6. Bxc3+ Kf1 7. Bc4 Bxc4 8. Qc5 !
{8. Qd6 ? Bd3 9. Qe6 Be4+ 10. Qxe4 stalemate}
8... Bd3 9. Qb5 ! Bxb5 10. b8=S ! Bd3 11. a8=B !
{11. a8=Q ? Be4+ 12. Qxe4 stalemate}
11... Be2 12. f8=R ! and wins.
{12. f8=S ? Bb5 13. Bf3 Be2 14. Be4 = ' 13. Se6 ? Ke2 14. Sf4+ Ke3 15. Sg2+ hxg2+ 16. Bxg2 Be2 17. h4 Bf3 18. Kh2 Bxg2 19. Kxg2 Ke2 20. Kg3 f1=Q -+ ; 12. f8=Q ? Bf3+ 13. Qxf3 stalemate
[Update 11 Nov. 2012] "but White can also win with 12.Be1": this try is incorrect, 12.Be1?? Bf3+ 13.Bxf3 fxe1=R/Q wins for Black }
Three white under promotions.
Корольков, Владимир Александрович
Труд (Москва) 1935
st Prize
Show Solution1. d7 Ke7
{1... f1=Q ? 2. d8=Q+ +-}
2. Rb8 ! Bxg3
{2... f1=Q 3. d8=Q+ Kxd8 4. Ba6+ Kc7 5. Bxf1 Kxb8 6. gxh4 +-}
3. Ra8 !
{3. Kxg3 f1=Q 4. d8=Q+ Kxd8 5. Ba6+ Kc7 6. Rb7+ Kc8 7. Rb6+ Kc7 8. Rb7+ Kc8 9. Rxa7+ Kb8 10. Rb7+ Ka8 11. Bxf1 Kxb7 =}
3... f1=Q 4. d8=Q+ Kxd8 5. Ba6+ Bb8 ! 6. Bxf1 Kc7 {the white Rook is trapped} 7. Ba6 e2 ! 8. Bxe2 Kb7 9. Bf3 Kxa8 10. Bxc6#
A thrilling study.
Владимир Ильич Кацнельсон (07-11-1937 - 16-05-2024) Russian composer (Vladimir Ilich Katsnelson)
Vladimir Katsnelson composed studies, most of the time in collaboration and mostly with his brother Leonard.
Кацнельсон, Владимир Ильич
Hildebrand JT, 2001
st Honorable Mention
Show Solution1. Kf3 exf5 2. Be3 !
{2. Bd4 ? c5 3. Be3 f4 4. Bf2 f5 5. a5 bxa5 6. Bxc5 b5 ! 7. Kf2 b4 8. a4 b3 9. Ba3 f3 =
2... f4 3. Bxb6 ! cxb6 4. Kf2 f3 5. Kf1 f5 6. Kf2 f4 7. Kf1 f2 ! 8. Kxf2 f3 9. Kf1 f2 10. Kxf2 b5 11. a5 b4 12. a6 $1 bxa6 13. axb4 a5 14. b5 a4 15. b6 a3 16. b7 a2 17. b8=Q a1=Q 18. Qb7#
Paz Einat (07-11-1956) Israeli composer and International Master
Paz Einat composes direct mates, helpmates and fairy problems. He is an International Judge for direct mates in 2 and 3 moves. He often composes in collaboration with Ofer Comay.
A more approachable work:
Einat, Paz
Thèmes 64, 1979
Show SolutionSet play:
1...Qb4[a] 2.Qd3#[A]
1...Qb3[b] 2.Qxc5#[B]
1...Qb6/Qc8/Qe8/Qf8/Qg8/Qh8/Qd6/Qe5/Qxf4 2.Sxb6#
1...cxd4 2.Rxd4#
1.dxc5[C]? (2.Rd4#)
1...Qb4[a] 2.Nd3#[D]
1...Qb3[b] 2.Se2#[E]
1...Qh8/Qd6/Qe5 2.Sb6#
1...Qxf4 2.Rxf4#/Sb6#
but 1...Qd8!
1.Se2[E]! (2.Qc3#)
1...Qb4[a] 2.d5#[F]
1...Qb3[b] 2.dxc5#[C]
1...Qd6 2.Sb6#
A more complex twomover:
Einat, Paz
Israel Ring Tourney 1975
rd Prize
Show Solution1. Re3? [2. Rc3#]
1... Sd7 2. Qxe6#
1... Sxa4 2. Qf1#
But 1... Qh8!
1. Re5? [2. Rxc5#]
1... Sd7 2. Qf1#
1... Sxa4 2. Qxe6#
But 1... Qf2!
1. Qf1? [2. Re4#]
1... Sd7 2. Re5#
1... Sxa4 2. Re3#
But 1... Sd3!
1. Qf3? [2. Qc3#]
1... Sd7 2. Qb3#
1... Sxa4 2. Qd3#
But 1... Qh8!
1. Rxe6! [2. Re4#]
1... Sd7 2. Re3#
1... Sxa4 2. Re5#
1... Sxe6 2. Qf1/xe6#
1... Qd4 2. Rxd4#
The problem shows a complex of themes:
Reciprocal change,
Reversal and
Anti-reversal and finally
Silvio Baier (07-11-1978) German composer and International Master
Silvio Baier
[USV TU Dresden [broken link] ] |
Silvio Baier composes direct mates, helpmates and retro problems such as
this proof game.
He was awarded the 1st Prize in the FIDE World Cup 2011.
Baier, Silvio & Gockel, Hubert
Schach-Aktiv, 2007
nd Prize
Show Solution1. Bg5! (2. Qxf4+ Kd5 3. c4#)
1... Rc4 2. exd7+ Kd4 3. c3# (2... Re6 3. h8=Q#)
1... Qb4 2. h8=Q+ Ke4 3. Sc5# (2... Rf6 3. e:d7#)
Mates with two pins.
In the 1929 Korolkov study, instead of 12.f8=R, White can also win with 12.Be1.
ReplyDeleteThank you, this possibility is now added in the solution.
DeleteIncorrect, 12.Be1?? Bf3+ 13.Bxf3 fxe1=R/Q wins for Black