Alfred Wornum Mongrédien (01-09-1877 - 26-02-1954) British composer
Alfred Mongrédien was one of the great composers who promoted the logical problems. The results of his works were published in A. White's Christmas Series under the title "
Antiform" (1929) co-authored by F. Palatz: it
can be downloaded here.
Alfred Mongrédien composed strategic and economic moremovers in generally 4 moves. He also composed a twomover cylinder chess problem (
see on
Mongrédien, Alfred Wornum
Deutsche Schachzeitung, 1934
Show Solution1.Bc5-d6 ! (2.Bd6xe5#)
1...Sh8-g6 2.Bd6-b8 ZZ
2...e5-e4 3.Bb8-a7 (4.Ba7-d4#) 3...Rb1xc1 4.Qg1-b6#
1.Bc5-a7? directly would fail because Black could play 1...g7-g5.
Mongrédien, Alfred Wornum
Chemnitzer Tageblatt, 1925
st Prize
Show Solution1.Qh1-g2 ! (2.Qg2-c2#)
1...Be8-a4 2.Qg2-h2 ! (3.Qh2-h5#)
2...Qa8-e8 3.Qh2-h1 ! (4.Qh1xd5#)
3...Ba4-c6 4.Qh1-g2 ! (5.Qg2-c2#)
4...g4-g3, Bc6-a4 5.Qg2-h3, Qg2xd5#
Focal theme, Black & White duel, circuit of the white Q (h1-g2-h2-h1-g2).
Antti Gottfried Ojanen (01-09-1916 - 26-06-1988) Finnish composer
Antti Ojanen composed direct mates and selfmates. One of his specialties was the Albino/Pickaninny theme.
Ojanen, Antti Gottfried
Tidskrift för Schack, 1974
nd Prize
Show Solution1.Rc8-d8 ! ZZ
1...d7xc6 2.Ba7-d4 c6-c5 3.Bd4-c3 c5-c4 4.Rd8-d3 c4xd3/e4xd3#
1...d7-d5 2.Rc1-d1 d5-d4 3.Kc2-c1 d4-d3 4.Rd1-d2+ e3xd2#
1...d7-d6 2.Rd8-f8 d6-d5 3.Sg4-e5 d5-d4 4.Se5-d3 e4xd3#
1...d7xe6 2.Rd8-d1 e6-e5 3.Ba7-d4 e5xd4 4.Rd1-d3 e4xd3#
Tsedevin Ser-Od (01-09-1926 - 20-09-2011) Mongolian composer
Tsedevin Ser-Od seems to have composed only threemovers.
Ser-Od, Tsedevin
S.Chimedtseren-60 JT, 1992
nd Prize
Show Solution1.Sc6! (2.Se7+ Ke6 3.Bc8#)
1...Qxf4 2.Sd4+ Kxe5+ 3.Bf6#
1...Rxf4 2.Qh3+ Ke4+ 3.Sf6#
Change of pin line after selfpins by bR/bQ.
Here the award of the JT Chimedtseren 70).
Юрий Яковлев (01-09-1932) Russian composer (Yuri Yakovlev)
Yuri Yakovlev composes direct mates and helpmates.
Яковлев, Юрий
Canadian Chess Chat, Sep 1982 (829)
Show Solutiona) 1.Kd4+ Kg4 2.Kc5+ Se4#
b) 1.Sd4+ Kg4 2.Se2+ Sxc4#
Crosschecks, exposure of the wK to black batteries.
Reinhardt Fiebig (01-09-1937) German composer
Reinhardt Fiebig composes mostly helpmates, but also direct mates and selfmates.
Fiebig, Reinhardt
Magyar Sakkélet, 1984
st Prize
Show Solution1.Bh6-f8 ! ZZ
1...f5-f4 2.Sg5-e4 (3.Se4-f6 ~ 4.Se7-g6#) 2...d6-d5 3.Se4-f6 (4.Se7-g6#) 3...d5-d4+ 4.Kc3xc4 ~ 5.Se7-g6#
1...c6-c5 2.Se7-d5 (3.Sd5-f6 ~ 4.Sg5-f7#) 2...Kh8-g8 3.Bf8-h6 ~ 4.Sd5-f6+ Kg8-h8 5.Sg5-f7#
1...d6-d5 2.Kc3-d4 ~ 3.Kd4-e5 ~ 4.Ke5-f6 ~ 5.Bf8-g7#
Fiebig, Reinhardt
The Problemist, 2000 (p.484 11/2000)
Show Solution1. Re1 Ba4 2. Be2 Ke6 3. d4 Kd5 4. d3 Kc4 5. d2+ Kb3 6. Kd1 Kb2#
The wK marches to create a battery after the wB's Indian to a4.
Josef Burda (01-09-1943) Czech composer
Josef Burda |
Josef Burda wrote a series of books: "
Vyber dvojtazek 1967-97" (1998), "
Rudolf Solarczyk a sachovy problem" (1999), "
50 tritahovych sachovych uloh" (2007) etc (more on
Vaclav Kotesovec's website).
He composes direct mates.
As noted by I.Skoba, Mr. Burda is also regularly the director of the Czech Solving Championship.
He edits the magazine "Řešitelský zpravodaj". The scanned issues can be read on
V. Kotesovec's website, for instance
issue no.28/2015.
Burda, Josef
Zemědělské noviny, 1992
st Prize
Show Solution1.Rh1-b1 ! (2.Qh4-h1+ Ra4-e4 3.Se2-f4/Qh1xe4#)
1...Sb3xd2 2.Rb1-b4 (3.Se2-f4/Se2-c3#) 2...Sb3-e4+ 3.d3xe4#
1...Sb7xd6 2.Rb8-b4 (3.Se2-f4/Se2-c3#) 2...Sd6-e4+ 3.d3xe4#
1...g4-g3 2.Qh4-b4 (3.Se2-f4/Se2-c3#)
Three Novotnys on the same square.
Michael Pfannkuche (01-09-1956) German composer
Michael Pfannkuche was twice Solving World Champion and holds the title of Grand Master in solving. He occasionally composes problems.
Pfannkuche, Michael
Schach-Report, 1991
Show Solution1.Qh5-h2 ! (2.Se2-c1/Se2-f4+)
1...Kd2xd3 2.Qh2-h5 ~ 3.Se2-f4+ Kd3-d2 4.Qh5-e2+ Kd2-c1 5.Qe2-e1/Qe2-c2#
1...e4xd3 2.Se2-c3+ e3-e2 3.Qh2-h6+ Kd2-e1 4.Sc3-e4 (5.Qh6-c1/Qh6-h1#)
Unexpected switchback of the white Queen h5-h2-h5.
Валерий Геннадьевич Смирнов (01-09-1964) Russian composer (Valery Gennadyevich Smirnov)
Valery Smirnov composes direct mates, selfmates and helpmates.
Смирнов, Валерий Геннадьевич
Probleemblad, 1997 (H048)
nd Prize
Show Solution1.Re4 Kh7 2.Bb5 Kg6 3.Rb4 Kf5 4.Kc4 Ke4 5.Bc5 Bd5#
1.Rb7 Bd7 2.Bb4 Kg7 3.Kd4 Kf6 4.Kc5 Ke5 5.Rb6 d4#
Ideal mates.
František Hladik (01-09-1901 - 18-09-1971) Czech composer
František Hladik was a representative of the Bohemian school of chess composition. He was also very interested in strategic themes and logical problems, as stated in a short portrait in
Parallèle-50, 19 novembre 1948.
Hladík, František
Parallèle 50, 3 Mar 1950 (1381)
rd Prize
Show Solution
1. Rg6! (2. Qe3+ Kxf5 3.Rf6#)
[wBf5 is captured, wRg6 gives mate]
1... Kxf5 2. Qd5+ Kxg6 3. Sf8#
[wRg6 is captured, wSe6 gives mate]
1... dxe6 2. Rxe6+ Kxf5 3. Sg7#
[wSe6 is captured, wSh5 gives mate]
1... Qxh5 2. Qf4+ Kd5 3. Be4#
[wSh5 is captured, wBf5 gives mate]
The cycle of pieces captured and pieces giving mate composes a 4-fold
cyclic Zilahi.
Model mates as per the Bohemian school.
Josef Burda is the present Czech composer. He is regularly the director of Czech solving championship.
ReplyDeleteThank you for that comment.
DeleteI have corrected the mistake and added the link to issue 28/2015 of "Řešitelský zpravodaj".